In order to get a pulse on how students and staff were faring during the rapid changes to instruction and daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic, SAIRO worked with campus and system wide stakeholders to develop questions to be included in our two major student surveys for Spring 2020—the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) and the UCLA Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) as well as the development of a Student Affairs Staff Survey in December 2020. The reports included here cover key aspects of the reporting and analysis that were conducted to inform campus decision-making during the pandemic and beyond.

Where possible, final reporting representing the total set of respondents is provided, however, if a report represents in progress data that is indicated in the individual report. If you have any questions, or need these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.

Undergraduate Student Experiences

Undergraduate Fall 2021 Plans Survey Results This brief provides a summary of the results from a survey of the undergraduate population regarding their plans and preferences for Fall Quarter instruction and housing options.

Undergraduate “Where Are You Living” Fall Survey Results
This brief provides a summary of investigation into the extent to which the decision to restrict the number of students living on the Hill impacted the density of undergraduate student living situations in Westwood.

Undergraduate Student Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief provides summary charts for COVID-19 specific questions included in the 2020 UCUES, including learning concerns, overall challenges, intent to return in Fall, and experiences with remote instruction.

Preliminary Findings on Undergraduate Experiences Related to COVID-19
This brief summarizes early student responses to several open-ended questions included in the 2020 UCUES related to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on students—including experiences with remote instruction.

Recommendations for Remote Instruction
This brief provides recommendations for instructors offering courses through remote delivery that are based on the feedback provided directly by students in the 2020 UCUES.

Students Taking Action During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief provides a summary of student responses to two question areas from the 2020 UCUES—actions taken to protect self from COVID-19 infection, and areas of engagement with their communities.

Comparison of COVID Related Concerns for Undergraduate Student Populations
This brief summarizes mean comparisons conducted to determine potential differences in experiences and concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic for various groups of undergraduate students. Comparisons include first generation, Pell recipients, transfer students, STEM, students with disabilities, and student level.

Graduate Student Experiences

Graduate Student Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief provides summary charts for COVID-19 specific questions included in the 2020 GPSS, including learning concerns, overall challenges, and intent to return in Fall.

Preliminary Findings on Graduate Student Experiences Related to COVID-19
This brief summarizes early student responses to several open-ended questions included in the 2020 GPSS to explore the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on students.

Comparison of COVID Related Concerns for Graduate Student Populations
This brief summarizes mean comparisons conducted to determine potential differences in experiences and concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic for various groups of graduate students. Comparisons include first generation, STEM, students with disabilities, and degree level.

Student Affairs Staff Experiences

SA Staff Survey 2020
The Student Affairs Staff Survey was administered during December 2020 and January 2021. A total of 322 staff members responded to the survey representing a range of job roles.