UCLA Student Affairs is committed to ensuring effective assessment practice and demonstrating the outcomes of the work engaged in across the organization. Divisional coordination is an important component of this effort. Assessment coordination provided by SAIRO is guided by two major long term goals that require work in three primary need areas.

Program Review

SA Department Outcomes

SA Annual Departmental Assessment

Key coordination activities engaged in by SAIRO

Convening committees and workgroups to address divisional assessment needs

Coordinating collection and reporting of departmental assessment data and other survey and assessment data relevant to SA priorities and outcomes

  • SA Departmental Assessment Annual Report
  • Development of common SA constituent service questions
  • Mapping of all current survey items to SA Outcome Domains
  • Data reporting aligned to SA priorities and outcomes

Development of communication and collaboration opportunities across Student Affairs

  • SA Data Hour sessions
  • Baseline User Group
  • Assessment networking events

Coordination and Support of SA use of Campus Lab’s Baseline and Planning platforms

  • Providing standards and processes for appropriate use
  • User profile management
  • Training
  • Review of assessment plans and survey instruments, etc.

Oversight and Coordination of Student Affairs Program Review