Below are the specific departmental outcomes for each department within the UCLA Student Affairs Organization. These outcomes represent what each department is working to accomplish through their services and programs and will guide their assessment and strategic planning.

ADA 504 Compliance Office

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Constituents will experience a more accessible physical campus.
  2. Knowledge regarding ADA/504 related issues will increase across UCLA.
  3. Constituents will experience prompt responses to ADA/504 related concerns.

Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will experience compassionate, high-quality, patient-centered care at the Ashe Center.
  2. Employees at the Ashe Center will feel valued and empowered to work with leadership to improve the work environment.
  3. Students will have access to cost-effective health services at the Ashe Center.

Bruin Resource Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Cultivate an inclusive and socially just environment that fosters respect, supports engagement across difference, and impacts campus climate.
  2. Support students’ success in their educational experience through co-curricular programs, services, and academic partnerships.
  3. Support students’ well-being, emotional health, identity development, and resiliency through programs, services and connection to resources.
  4. Foster student engagement and a sense of belonging with the university and the greater community.
  5. Support and partner with students to advocate for their needs and the needs of their communities.
  6. Engage in critical reflection and assessment to enhance the department’s effectiveness and resource management.

Campus Assault Resources & Education

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence (SHSV) Survivors will be provided timely, culturally competent access to advocacy and support.
  2. Students will have access to expanded SHSV training and education programs focused on the prevention, reporting and response of sexual violence/sexual harassment through an anti-oppression public health framework.
  3. The UCLA Campus will have an increased awareness of CARE, through a comprehensive trauma informed outreach and online materials and resources.
  4. Student swill have access to effective non-traditional Holistic Healing Programs.
  5. Student will have access to a sustainable Sexual violence peer programs for undergraduate students to serve as ambassadors, liaisons, and educators for CARE within the community.

Career Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will feel confident, empowered, and equipped to successfully explore their career options and passions to make informed decisions.
  2. Students will feel a sense of responsibility and ownership over their own career development and future success.
  3. Students will be able to build relationships through effective communication in order to move forward in their career trajectory.
  4. Students will be knowledgeable about resources, industries, career processes, and their rights.
  5. Students will feel that Career Center staff are accessible, trustworthy, have knowledge and expertise, and have an understanding of student identities and experiences that they integrate into their work.

Case Management Services

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students in crisis who are referred to Case Managers will have access to support.
  2. The campus community will be able to recognize and respond to students in crisis.
  3. The campus community will be more aware of the range of resources for students in crisis.

Center for Accessible Education

Departmental Outcomes

  1. CAE students will have access to the Educational Experience at UCLA.
  2. CAE students will be empowered to request accommodations.
  3. CAE students will have support in the development of self-advocacy skills.

Community Programs Office

Departmental Outcomes

Still in development

Counseling and Psychological Services

Departmental Outcomes

  1. UCLA students will have timely access to quality care.
  2. CAPS will provide quality inter-disciplinary coordinated care.
  3. CAPS will have high engagement and collaboration with on and off campus referrals and resource for students.
  4. CAPS staff will increase their engagement, retention and job satisfaction.

Dashew Center for International Students & Scholars

Departmental Outcomes

  1. International students and scholars will develop the knowledge and skills needed to integrate and thrive at UCLA and in Los Angeles.
  2. International students and scholars will feel supported, empowered, and confident to make decisions about their visa status, education, engagement opportunities, and career trajectory.
  3. Departmental staff will gather knowledge and develop processes that enable UCLA to admit, appoint, employ, and support students, scholars, faculty, and staff from around the world to ensure UCLA remains a world class university.
  4. All constituents will approach intercultural interactions with skill, openness, and understanding in order to actively include and support UCLA's vibrant multicultural community.

First Year Experience

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will develop strategies for wellness and resiliency.
  2. Students will have a successful transition into university life.
  3. Students will know how to access institutional resources.
  4. Students will be academically engaged through community-wide programs.

Graduate Student Resource Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Graduate students will develop professional skills that support their academic success and career goals.
  2. Graduate students will develop writing and communications skills that support and complement their academic pursuits.
  3. Graduate students will develop skills and habits for healthy self-management.
  4. Graduate students will feel that they belong to a community that supports and enriches their experience at UCLA.
  5. Graduate students will develop the navigational capital to readily access support resources and maximize the potential of their academic programs.

Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will develop and enhance their leadership skills.
  2. Students will have improved mental and physical wellness.
  3. Students will increase their academic success.
  4. Students will increase their community engagement and sense of civic responsibility.
  5. Students will gain ethical development and the ability to hold themselves and others accountable.
  6. Students will develop a lasting sense of commitment to their organization.

Office of Student Conduct

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students, faculty and staff will be knowledgeable about the student code of conduct and conduct process.
  2. Students going through the conduct process will feel respected, heard, supported and that their case is handled fairly.
  3. Students will be empowered to advocate for themselves and to educate others in regards to conduct.
  4. Conduct cases will be adjudicated promptly, efficiently, fairly and equitably.
  5. Staff and faculty will be knowledgeable enough about and confident enough in the conduct process to utilize it and participate in it productively.

Office Technology Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Staff will be able to work more efficiently and productively and feel encouraged to used SAIT/OTC resources to continually seek more efficient ways to accomplish complex processes.
  2. Students and staff will feel that SAIT/OTC systems and the information that hold are properly and securely maintained and that potential risks are effectively mitigated.
  3. Staff will feel that SAIT/OTC provides consistent and quality IT support and feel encouraged to actively seek support when needed.
  4. Users of any SAIT/OTC site or system will have a positive and seamless user experience which provides them easily accessible and navigable university information.
  5. Staff will feel encouraged and supported in proposing and creating new collaborative technological solutions to shared institutional challenges and processes.

LGBT Campus Resource Center

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Members of the LGBTQIA community will feel a sense of connectedness, belonging, and safety on campus and feel supported by University staff and policies.
  2. Members of the LGBTQIA community will be able to explore and integrate their multiple and intersectional identities to foster holistic wellness and resiliency.
  3. Members of the LGBTQIA community will have opportunities for leadership and career development, professional networking, and workforce preparation.


Departmental Outcomes

  1. Constituents will experience enhanced vitality through access to opportunities to improve their mental and physical health.
  2. Students will learn, grow, and develop through participation in employment and programming opportunities.
  3. The UCLA Campus community will have awareness of and access to facility and programming opportunities through Recreation.
  4. Constituents will benefit from the sustainable stewardship of Recreation resources.

Registrar's Office

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Student academic records and documents will be properly managed, secured and disseminated.
  2. All constituents will be provided with prompt, high quality, caring, and compassionate service.
  3. Publications and information will be available to the campus community on a regular basis.

Residential Life

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Residents will feel academically supported and persist into the next term.
  2. Residents will feel they live in a safe residential community.
  3. Residents will develop various aspects of their social identity and leadership potential.
  4. Residents will have a sense of belonging to the institution.

Sports Venues & Events

Departmental Outcomes

  1. The UCLA Campus community will have awareness of and access to facility and programming opportunities through Recreation.
  2. Constituents will benefit from the sustainable stewardship of Recreation resources.

Student Affairs Development

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Student Affairs staff will be enabled and empowered to grow and develop their operations and practices to continually improve student experiences.
  2. Capacity will be built in student affairs organizations to enhance students' academic, professional and personal development.
  3. Past and potential donors will feel meaningfully engaged with the Student Affairs Development office and the UCLA communities and programs that their donations currently or will support.
  4. Student Affairs staff will feel that Student affairs Development staff are professional, efficient and sincerely invested in the needs of their programs and the students they support.
  5. Parents & family of UCLA students will feel able and encouraged to contribute to UCLA and to their students' educational experience.

Student Affairs Information & Research Office

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Staff will develop tangible skills and build the capacity to create and implement effective assessment projects and practices.
  2. Staff will be able to utilize and communicate assessment data for decision making and departmental strategic planning.
  3. Staff will intentionally integrate student voices and experiences into their practices and decision making.
  4. Students will be aware of the data and assessment resources available to them and feel empowered to use those resources to advocate for themselves and others.
  5. Students will feel heard and validated.

Student Affairs Information Technology

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Staff will be able to work more efficiently and productively and feel encouraged to used SAIT/OTC resources to continually seek more efficient ways to accomplish complex processes.
  2. Students and staff will feel that SAIT/OTC systems and the information that hold are properly and securely maintained and that potential risks are effectively mitigated.
  3. Staff will feel that SAIT/OTC provides consistent and quality IT support and feel encouraged to actively seek support when needed.
  4. Users of any SAIT/OTC site or system will have a positive and seamless user experience which provides them easily accessible and navigable university information.
  5. Staff will feel encouraged and supported in proposing and creating new collaborative technological solutions to shared institutional challenges and processes.

Student Alumni Programs & Family Engagement

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Parents & families of UCLA students will positively engage with university.
  2. Parents & families of UCLA students will be able to readily access relevant information that will help them support their student’s success.
  3. Parents & families of UCLA students will develop the capacity and navigational capital to most effectively access and utilize university.
  4. Parents & families of UCLA students will feel capable of and encouraged to contribute to UCLA and to their student’s educational experience.
  5. Parent & Family Programs staff will gain valuable skills and developmental experiences that will support their success in their current role and future career goals.

Student Health Education & Promotion

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will gain an awareness of resources and functional knowledge regarding sexual health, nutrition, body image, and effective self-management.
  2. Students will develop functional life skills and habits that support healthy sexual practices, positive body image, a healthy diet, and effective self-management.
  3. Students will feel confident, comfortable, and competent in engaging in healthy sexual practices, healthy nutritional habits, and seeking support for holistic wellness and effective self-management.
  4. Students will feel empowered to educate others and advocate for the health and wellness of their peers.
  5. Students will feel that the climate at UCLA encourages and supports healthy attitudes and decision-making regarding sex, body image, nutrition, and mental wellness.

Student Legal Services

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will have a better understanding of the legal issues involved in their cases.
  2. Students will feel better equipped to handle a similar situation in the future.
  3. Students who attend workshops presented by Student Legal Services will have expanded knowledge of the topic covered.

Student Loan Services and Collections

Departmental Outcomes

  1. Students will have a positive perception of SLS&C and its programs and services, and will feel that staff is supportive and sincerely cares about their situation and identifying the most beneficial and appropriate resolutions to address their individual circumstances
  2. Students will gain an awareness and capacity to navigate resources and services that support their financial stability and personal financial wellness.
  3. Students and clients will feel the SLS&C staff with whom they interact are professional and knowledgeable, and the services they receive are provided effectively and thoroughly.
  4. Students who are enrolled in school will be more likely to remain enrolled because of our services. Borrowers in repayment on their student loans will be more likely to remain in good standing or achieve good standing because of our services.
  5. University staff awareness of SLS&C processes and programs will support their ability to refer students to the department confidently, effectively and knowledgeably.

Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement

Departmental Outcomes

Still in development