These reports relate to student finances (e.g., financial concerns, utilization of resources, and impact of finances on behaviors). Reports focus on topics such as how students are paying for school, concerns about affordability of college, and how finances may influence engagement at UCLA.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.

Reports and Briefs

Graduate Student Welfare

This presentation explores graduate student experiences using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to health and wellbeing, engagement and connection, advising support, mentorship, financial concern, and skills and abilities.

Financial Experience for Graduate and Professional Students: Variation by Race and Ethnicity

This report summarizes findings on graduate and professional students’ financial resources and debt practices from the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey. Students’ financial resources and debt practices were explored by assessing students’ self-reports on their financial resources, including access to funding information, and how they fund their graduate education. (January 2013)

Student Financial Concerns Report

This report provides a summary of undergraduates’ financial concerns from the 2010 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES). (July 2011)

Summary Tables and Graphs


Finances of Graduate and Professional Students (GPSS)


Finances of Graduate and Professional Students (GPSS)