These reports pertain to physical and mental health ratings and behaviors. Physical wellness includes topics such as diet, sleep, exercise, and sexual behavior. Mental wellness includes topics such as stress, mental health, and emotional well-being. Other wellness reports focus on alcohol and substance use/abuse.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.


UCLA Student Health Indicators

Explore student health indicators based on questions included in the 2014 and 2020 administrations of the California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) and the UCLA Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey.

Reports and Briefs

Student and Staff Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Learn about student and staff experiences during Covid-19, using data from questions included in the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) & the Student Affairs Graduate & Professional Student Survey (GPSS) and staff survey.

National College Health Assessment (NCHA) Data from 2012 to 2021

Created by the American College Health Association (ACHA), the National College Health Assessment, the ACHA-NCHA Survey, is a nationally recognized research survey that focuses on understanding the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and health behaviors of the UCLA student population.

Graduate Students’ Feeling of Needing to Sacrifice Health for Academic Responsibilities

Graduate and professional students face challenges to their overall health and wellness unique from those faced by undergraduates. In the following report, the Student Affairs Information and Research Office (SAIRO) has analyzed items from the Graduate and Professional Survey (GPSS) in order to understand to what extent graduate students feel they need to sacrifice their health for their academics, and the factors that drive them to feel this way.

Graduate Student Welfare

This presentation explores graduate student experiences using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to health and wellbeing, engagement and connection, advising support, mentorship, financial concern, and skills and abilities.

Health Campus Initiative Graduate Survey Snapshots

This presentation explores the experiences of graduate students at UCLA, using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to content pods of the Healthy Campus Initiative: MoveWell, MindWell, EngageWell, EatWell, and Bewell.

2014 Report: The Influence of UCLA Environment on Graduate Students' Health and Wellness

This report summarizes the open-ended responses to the 2014 Graduate and Professional Students Survey that asked: How does the UCLA environment influence your ability to accomplish your personal health and wellness goals?

2014 UCLA Undergraduate and Graduate Student Wellness Series (Winter 2017)

The wellness series briefs provide insight on the wellness experiences of UCLA undergraduate and graduate and professional students. It is important to understand students' wellness given its connection to students' educational experiences and academic success. To access the Executive Summary click on the link above or you may access individual briefs below.

Undergraduate Student Population
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Overall Health
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Physical Activity
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Meal Skipping
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Sleep
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Stress
Wellness Series: Undergraduate Overall Mental Health

Graduate and Professional Student Population
Wellness Series: Graduate Overall Health
Wellness Series: Graduate Physical Activity
Wellness Series: Graduate Meal Skipping
Wellness Series: Graduate Sleep
Wellness Series: Graduate Stress
Wellness Series: Graduate Overall Mental Health

2014 National College Health Assessment Report

A report based on results from the fall 2014 administration of the National College Health Assessment that examines UCLA undergraduate students' habits, behaviors, and perceptions on health topics. (Fall 2014)

Student Alcohol Survey: UCLA Trends from 2003 to 2012

A report based on results from the administration of the Student Alcohol Survey to UCLA undergraduate students between 2003 and 2012 (Jan 2014)

Understanding Changes in Emotional Health for First-Year Residential Students

A report that uses data from the 2011 Freshman Survey to understand changes in emotional health for residential students in their first year of college. (March 2014)

Graduate and Professional Students' Mental Wellness

This brief utilizes data collected through the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey to provide insight to the mental health and wellbeing of graduate and professional students. (August 2013)

2006-2009 Alcohol Use and Consequences among UCLA Undergraduates

This brief summarizes data collected by SAIRO and the Bruin Resource Center via the AlcoholEdu Evaluation Survey between 2006 and 2009 that focuses on the reported consumption of alcohol by undergraduate students at UCLA and on the consequences of students’ own and others’ drinking. (June 2010)

Alcohol Use and Consequences Among UCLA Students: An Update on Current Research and Harm Reduction

This brief provides an overview of the harm reduction philosophy that guides the work conducted by Student Development Health Education and pulls together data from several different surveys of UCLA students to provide a more accurate picture of the state of alcohol use on the UCLA campus. (May 2008)

Summary Tables and Graphs


Mental Wellness of Graduate and Professional Students (GPSS)


Mental Wellness of Graduate and Professional Students (GPSS)