SAIRO at UCLA administers a variety of survey's geared toward understanding the complexities of the UCLA student population. Click on any of the surveys below to learn more about the survey contents, administrations, and to access reports. Each survey page will provide you more information about the survey and you will be able to view actual survey instruments by selecting an administration year. If you can't find what you are looking for, consider searching by topic or contacting SAIRO.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.


The Entering Student Survey (ESS)

The Entering Student Survey (ESS) replaced the CIRP and TSS in 2021. This survey provides valuable baseline data about our new student population (both first year and transfer) as they enter UCLA and allows us to better understand the student experience and assess the services being provided to this population.

CIRP Freshman Survey

CIRP is a national survey sponsored by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI). The information collected via this survey provides valuable baseline data about our new student population. UCLA has participated in the survey for over 30 years and we have collected valuable information on trends over time.

The Graduating Senior Survey

The Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) provides valuable information on undergraduate students' overall UCLA experience. The GSS integrates assessments of academic majors and minors, quality of faculty and courses, and research opportunities.

Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey

The Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) was developed to assess issues among graduate and professional students. The information collected provides those serving graduate and professional students valuable data about the population and how to best serve their unique needs.

The Transfer Student Survey

The Transfer Student Survey (TSS) was designed as a companion piece to the CIRP Freshman Survey. The TSS provides baseline information about transfer students as they enter UCLA and allows us to better understand the transfer student experience and assess the services being provided to this population.

The First Destination Survey

The First Destination Survey (FDS) is an online survey administered at UCLA every year. This survey provides comprehensive and reliable data which can be used to accurately inform and shape career expectation of current undergraduate, new alumni, and prospective students.

National College Health Assessment

Created by the American College Health Association (ACHA), the National College Health Assessment (NCHA), is a nationally recognized survey that collects data on the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and health behaviors of a random sample of the UCLA students.

University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey

The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) offers a rare in-depth examination of the undergraduate experience at the University of California overall as well as an assessment of the experiences of students at each of its nine undergraduate campuses.