Learn more about the administration of the survey (such as contents, schedule, participants, response rates, and past instruments), in the "About" section below. Explore SAIRO's reporting (such as reports, dashboards and briefs) under each year of administration and to view longitudinal analysis, review the "Multi-Year and Longitudinal Data" section below.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.

About GPSS

Survey Reports:

Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS)


Graduate and professional students

Latest Administration:

Year: 2020
Response Rate: 26.1% (2017 Administration)


• Wellness
• Campus Climate
• Interaction with Others
• Progress and Skills
• Use of Time & Resources
• Ethics
• International Student Issues
• Demographic & Background Information

Type of Data Collection:

Online Survey

Administration Schedule:

Every three (3) years during the Spring Quarter; replaced with UC Graduate Student Experience Survey in 2021


The UCLA Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey was developed to assess Student Affairs-related issues among graduate and professional students. The information collected via this survey provides those serving graduate and professional students valuable data about the population and how to best serve their unique needs.


Download instruments for: 2020, 2017, 2014, 2010


Program Review Dashboard

With degree levels and schools/programs filters, this dashboard examines graduate and professional students' feedback on experiences within the programs. The dashboard contains topics including wellness, advising &mentorship, academic progress, utilization of time and resources, and campus climate.

Skills Development and Career Plans Dashboard

Explore graduate and professional student competencies in the following areas: leadership, collaboration and project management, self assessment and development, teaching and mentorship, communication skills, and career path preparation.

Graduate Students’ Feeling of Needing to Sacrifice Health for Academic Responsibilities

Graduate and professional students face challenges to their overall health and wellness unique from those faced by undergraduates. In the following report, the Student Affairs Information and Research Office (SAIRO) has analyzed items from the Graduate and Professional Survey (GPSS) in order to understand to what extent graduate students feel they need to sacrifice their health for their academics, and the factors that drive them to feel this way.

First Generation Graduate Student Experiences

This report provides an overview of UCLA graduate and professional student responses to the 2020 UCLA Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) comparing the experiences of First Generation and Non-First Generation students. First generation students were defined as those reporting that neither parent/guardian graduated from college.

2020 Covid-19 Briefs

Learn about student experiences during Covid-19, using data from questions included in our two major student surveys of Spring 2020, the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) & the Student Affairs Graduate & Professional Student Survey (GPSS).

2020 Skills Frequency Tables


Graduate Student Welfare

This presentation explores graduate student experiences using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to health and wellbeing, engagement and connection, advising support, mentorship, financial concern, and skills and abilities.

Graduate Student Connectedness

This presentation explores experiences related to connectedness of graduate students at UCLA, using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to the Engagewell content pod the Healthy Campus Initiative.

Health Campus Initiative Graduate Survey Snapshots

This presentation explores the experiences of graduate students at UCLA, using the 2017 GPSS to understand topics related to content pods of the Healthy Campus Initiative: MoveWell, MindWell, EngageWell, EatWell, and Bewell.

Experiences of Students with Dependents at UCLA

This presentation explores the experiences of students with dependents at UCLA, as reported by students in the 2016 UCUES and the 2017 GPSS.

Data Bite: Grad Student Profile (May 2019)

This data bite profiles the background information of the graduate and professional students during the 2016-2017 academic year as well as their perception on campus climate, community, support, and sense of belonging.

Data Bite: Academic Progress of Graduate Students (May 2019)

This data bite profiles the academic progress among graduate and professional students during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Data Bite: Advising and Mentoring Series (May 2019)

The advising and mentoring series provides insight on the experiences with advising and mentoring of UCLA graduate and professional students. It is important to understand the level of advising and mentoring a student receives given its connection to students' educational experiences and academic success.

Data Bite: Housing and Transportation for Graduate Students (May 2019)

This data bite profiles the housing and transportation methods among graduate and professional students during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Skills Development and Career Plans Dashboard (May 2018)

This interactive dashboard displays student reported skills development and career plans.

Data Bite: Graduate and Professional Students' Mental Health (January 2018)

This data bite profiles the mental well-being levels among graduate and professional students during the 2016-2017 academic year.


2014 UCLA Graduate Student Wellness Series (Winter 2017)

The wellness series briefs provide insight on the wellness experiences of UCLA graduate and professional students. It is important to understand students' wellness given its connection to students' educational experiences and academic success. To access the Executive Summary click on the link above or you may access individual briefs below.

The Influence of UCLA Environment on Graduate Student Wellness (2014)

This report examines the influence of the UCLA environment on graduate and professional students' ability to maintain their personal health and wellness goals.

Sources of Graduate Student Community

This brief utilizes data collected through the 2014 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey to provide insight to the sources of community and support utilized by UCLA graduate and professional students. (May 2016)

Post-Graduation Plans Among Graduate and Professional Students

This brief utilizes data collected through the 2014 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey to provide insight to the academic and non-academic post-graduation plans of UCLA graduate and professional students. (May 2016)

Interaction with Others

Demographic and Background Information of Respondents

Time Spent in Work and Extracurricular Activities

Satisfaction with Facilities and Workspace at UCLA

Campus Climate


Academic Progress

Self-Ratings of Skills


Professional Development and Post-Graduation Plans

Ethics Related to Academics

International Students


Mental Wellness of Graduate and Professional Students

This brief utilizes data collected through the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey to provide insight to the mental health and wellbeing of graduate and professional students. (August 2013)

Financial Experience for Graduate and Professional Students: Variation by Race and Ethnicity

This report summarizes findings on graduate and professional students’ financial resources and debt practices from the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey. Students’ financial resources and debt practices were explored by assessing students’ self-reports on their financial resources, including access to funding information, and how they fund their graduate education. (January 2013)

Doctoral Student Experiences with Social Support and Community at UCLA

This report summarizes findings on graduate and professional students’ sources of social support and community from the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey. Analysis of responses to the open ended item “where and with whom have you developed community at UCLA” revealed six key themes: 1) departmental support, 2) non-departmental support, 3) research activities, 4) co-curricular support, 5) support outside of UCLA, and 6) lack of support. (May 2012)

University and Department Climate for Graduate Students: Variation by Race and Ethnicity

This report summarizes findings on university and department climate, including perceptions of respect for students, support from program and faculty, level of career support, and relationships both in and outside the department, from the 2010 Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey. Aspects of climate related to perceived progress are also discussed. Key differences by race/ethnicity are highlighted. (May 2012)

International Graduate and Professional Student Experiences at UCLA

This report provides a summary of international graduate and professional student experiences. Key comparisons and areas of difference with domestic graduate and professional students are presented and specific international student issues are addressed. (April 2011)

Interaction with Others

Demographic and Background Information of Respondents

Time Spent in Work and Extracurricular Activities

Satisfaction with Facilities and Workspace at UCLA

Campus Climate


Academic Progress

Self-Ratings of Skills


Professional Development and Post-Graduation Plans

Ethics Related to Academics

International Students

Multi-Year & Longitudinal Data

UCLA Student Health Indicators

Explore student health indicators based on questions included in the 2014 and 2020 administrations of the California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) and the UCLA Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey.