Learn more about the administration of the survey (such as contents, schedule, participants, response rates, and past instruments), in the "About" section below. Explore SAIRO's reporting (such as reports, dashboards and briefs) under each year of administration and to view longitudinal analysis, review the "Multi-Year and Longitudinal Data" section below.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.


Survey Reports:

University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES)


All enrolled undergraduate students in the University of California system

Latest Administration:

Year: 2022


• Background and demographic characteristics
• Academic experiences
• Co-curricular involvement
• Aspects of intellectual and personal
• Civic engagement
• Student service utilization and satisfaction

Type of Data Collection:

Online survey

Administration Schedule:

Biennially, during Spring quarter


As part of a larger collaborative project entitled The Student Experience in the Research University-21st Century (SERU21), the UCUES offers a rare in-depth examination of the undergraduate experience at the University of California overall as well as an assessment of the experiences of students at each of its nine undergraduate campuses. The UCUES data provide UCLA administrators, faculty, and students an opportunity both to closely examine campus life at UCLA and to compare it to the UC system as a whole.


Download instruments for: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014


2016-2022 Academic Program Review Dashboard

These dashboards contain data from the core questions in the 2016 - 2022 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) pertaining to academic engagement, academic and personal development, plans and aspirations, and major satisfaction. Data is presented by program of study and response frequencies are divided by overall UCLA student respondents (All), the college or school program of study is housed (College or School), and department (Department).

Undergraduate Basic Needs Infographic Sheet

This infographic sheet contains key information on food and housing security among UCLA undegrduates.

Undergraduate Sense of Belonging Infographic Sheet

Using UCUES 2022 data, this infographic sheet creates a visual snapshot of sense of belonging among UCLA undergraduate students.


LGBTQ+ Fact Sheet

Using data from UCUES 2020 and NCHA 2021, this fact sheet provides an overview on the demographics and experience of UCLA's LGBTQ+ student community.

2020 Covid-19 Briefs

Learn about student experiences during Covid-19, using data from questions included in our two major student surveys of Spring 2020, the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) & the Student Affairs Graduate & Professional Student Survey (GPSS).

2016-2020 Academic Program Review Dashboard

These dashboards contain data from the core questions in the 2016, 2018 and 2020 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) pertaining to academic engagement, academic and personal development, plans and aspirations, and major satisfaction. Data is presented by program of study and response frequencies are divided by overall UCLA student respondents (All), the college or school program of study is housed (College or School), and department (Department).


Experiences of First Generation College Students

This presentation explores experiences of first generation college students, using data from questions included in 2018 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) with a focus on academic engagement, educational experiences, co-curricular experiences, self-rated skills, satisfaction and belonging.

Campus Experiences of Pell Grant Recipients

This presentation explores experiences of students who receive Pell grants, using data from questions included in 2018 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) with a focus on engagement in campus activities, perceptions of climate, and obstacles to success.

UCUES 2018 dashboards

These interactive dashboards show frequencies of undergraduate students' responses across all UC campuses. Select "UCLA" under campus filter to see campus specific data. Topics include Academic Engagement, Time Spent on Activities, Student Development, Campus Climate, Satisfaction, Evaluation of the Educational Experience, Academic Experience, Globalization, Community and Civic Engagement, and Background Characteristics.


Experiences of Students with Dependents at UCLA

This presentation explores the experiences of students with dependents at UCLA, as reported by students in the 2016 UCUES and the 2017 GPSS.

Experiences of Students with Disabilities at UCLA (Winter 2018)

This brief presents the experiences of students with disabilities at UCLA, as reported by students in the 2016 UCUES.

Career Competencies and Career Centre Usage Dashboards (November 2017)

In 2016 administration of UCUES, undergraduate students were asked to comment on their career competencies and the usage of career center. These interactive dashboards display student reported career readiness and competencies. Data can be filtered by school division, class level, career center usage, and first generation status.

First Generation Students' Experiences (August 2017)

This brief utilizes the 2016 UCUES data to compare the experiences of first generation students with non-first generation students on a series of categories ranging from academic experiences, career aspirations and perceptions of the campus climate.

Advising Data: Academic Advising and Career Advising Dashboards (August 2017)

In 2016 administration of UCUES, undergraduate students were asked to comment on their usage and experience of academic and career advising. These interactive dashboards include advising usage overall, advising usage by program, characteristics of advising users as well as non-users, and ratings of the services. The visuals are organized by the entry status, class level, first generation status and the program.

Data Bite: Development of Skills and Career Competencies of Graduates (June 2017)

In celebration of class of 2017, this data bite profiles the development of skills and career competencies among our graduates. The one-pager also highlights how much UCLA contributed to the skills of graduates. The data comes from University of California Undergraduate Experience (UCUES) and Graduating Senior Survey.

Data Summary Tables of UCLA. Topics including:

  • Time Spent on Activities, Student Development,
  • Academic Engagement, Campus Climate, Satisfaction, and Evaluation of the Educational Experience
  • Academic Experience and Globalization
  • Community and Civic Engagement
  • Background and Personal Characteristics

Data Summary Tables of All UC's for Comparison

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: UCLA and All-UC Comparison

This informational summary provides an overview of students at UCLA receiving accommodations, and how this rate compares to other UC campuses.


2014 UCLA Undergraduate Student Wellness Series (Winter 2017)

The wellness series briefs provide insight on the wellness experiences of UCLA undergraduate students. It is important to understand students' wellness given its connection to students' educational experiences and academic success. To access the Executive Summary click on the link above or you may access individual briefs below.

Data Bite: Political affiliation, activities and perceptions (October 2016)

This data bite highlights the political beliefs and views of UCLA undergraduate students using 2014 UCUES data to provide a picture of the political climate and plans for civic involvement through voting.

2014 Infographic of Religious Affiliation and Interactions

An infographic depicting students' religious affiliations, perspectives, and interactions at UCLA based on responses to the 2014 UCUES Survey. (Summer 2015)

Multi-Year & Longitudinal Data

UCUES 2018 and 2020 Comparisons for Academic Engagement

Compare student responses for the topic of academic engagement for the 2018 and 2020 UCUES administrations.

UCLA Student Health Indicators

Explore student health indicators based on questions included in the 2014 and 2020 administrations of the California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) and the UCLA Student Affairs Graduate and Professional Student Survey.

UCUES Campus Climate Comparison Report (2004-2014)

UCUES offers in-depth examination of the undergraduate experience at the University of California overall as well as an assessment of the experiences of students at each of its nine undergraduate campuses. In this report, we benchmarked UCLA’s campus climate for diversity against overall UC student population from 2004 to 2014. (Fall 2015)