Student Affairs has contracted with Anthology (formerly named CampusLabs) for the use of the Baseline and Planning platforms. These tools support effective assessment practice within individual departments as well as the division of Student Affairs.
Each department identifies users who can use the system to collect and analyze assessment data. Individuals must be approved by their department director to receive access to the Baseline system. If you want to conduct an assessment project using Baseline, speak with your supervisor to get the ball rolling.
Request that your Director email SAIRO Director, Danielle Acheampong, with your name, email and UCLA Logon ID along with his/her approval for your access or speak with your SAIRO consultant.
Access Baseline
Baseline is an online tool that provides an integrated approach to conducting assessment and surveys. Using Baseline, you can create and distribute online surveys, enter data manually from paper surveys, create rubrics, analyze your data, compare across projects, view ready-made charts, and much more.
To learn more about how to create an assessment survey or project, check out our assessment resources. Additional Campus Labs Resources on Baseline available for use in your assessment. Find general information on Campus Labs in the Baseline Support Center.
Access Planning
Planning is a strategic planning platform that helps to organize and structure planning efforts at the organizational, divisional, and departmental levels. Using Planning, you can organize and track projects for departmental outcomes for the annual divisional report and general assessment, to generate reports, and to utilize information for strategic planning.
To learn how to use this tool in your department, we have created this training video that goes over the way that the Planning Tool is used in Student Affairs. Additional resources are available providing insight into completing the Methods, Findings, and Recommendations sections of your plans. Find general information and support on for planning in the Planning Support Center.