These reports look specifically at activities and experiences that happen while at UCLA (e.g., time allocation, technology use, civic engagement, leadership, and satisfaction with UCLA).

Additional topical student experiences are also featured on the following pages: Campus Climate and Diversity ; Health and Wellness ; Academic Engagement and Experiences ; Finances and Financial Concerns ; and Professional Preparation and Post-Graduation Plans.

To obtain any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact SAIRO.

Reports and Briefs

Experiences of First Generation College Students

This presentation explores experiences of first generation college students, using data from questions included in 2018 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) with a focus on academic engagement, educational experiences, co-curricular experiences, self-rated skills, satisfaction and belonging.

Campus Experiences of Pell Grant Recipients

This presentation explores experiences of students who receive Pell grants, using data from questions included in 2018 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) with a focus on engagement in campus activities, perceptions of climate, and obstacles to success.

Experiences of Students with Dependents at UCLA

This presentation explores the experiences of students with dependents at UCLA, as reported by students in the 2016 UCUES and the 2017 GPSS.

First Generation Students' Experiences

This brief utilizes the 2016 UCUES data to compare the experiences of first generation students with non-first generation students on a series of categories ranging from academic experiences, career aspirations and perceptions of the campus climate (August 2017).

Invoking Agency: Talking about Racial Diversity and Campus Climate on Social Media

This brief explores the ways UCLA undergraduates use social media as a platform to discuss issues of race, diversity and campus climate.

Data Bite: Civic engagement among entering UCLA undergraduate students

To honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights activist and advocate for marginalized communities, the data in this document highlight the practices, goals and plans related to civic and community engagement among entering UCLA undergraduate students. The data comes from the Freshman Survey and the Transfer Student Survey (January 2017).

Students with Disabilities: Sources of Support

This brief explores findings related to academic resources as well as other sources of support for students with disabilities on campus. Students discussed their individual experiences and how they perceived and understood the attitudes, behaviors, and standards of faculty, staff, administrators and other students in interviews conducted by SAIRO research team.

Trends in Entering UCLA Freshmen: Results from the CIRP Freshman Survey 1974—2011

This brief draws on nearly forty years of CIRP data on incoming first year students at UCLA in order to identify patterns and changes over time with respect to various characteristics and measures. (September 2013)

Graduating Senior Survey: Experiences Leading to Understanding of Diverse Perspectives

This report summarizes findings from the UCLA Senior Survey for years 2009 and 2010 regarding students’ experiences that helped them understand people with backgrounds different than their own. This study examined over 4,000 open-ended responses to identify the nature and quality of experiences that promote diverse interactions and opportunities for students to engage with diverse perspectives. Findings were divided into four key areas: 1) type of interaction, 2) environmental context or location of interaction, 3) content or topic area around which the interaction occurred, and 4) negative or challenging interactions. (Feburary 2013)

Institutional Structures for Diversity

A brief that examines students’ perceptions of institutional efforts for diversity and their engagement with institutional structures that promote diversity, both curricular and co-curricular. (December 2012)

Doctoral Student Experiences with Social Support and Community

A report examining doctoral students' responses from the 2010 Graduate and Professional Student Survey regarding where and with whom they have found community at UCLA. (May 2012)

Exclusionary Spaces

A team of six undergraduate students from academic disciplines across campus participated in the design, data collection, and analysis of a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project exploring community and sense of belonging at UCLA. Students explored the following research questions: how does exclusion influence the undergraduate experience at UCLA? How/where do students feel excluded? Why is it important for the student to be part of the space from which they feel excluded? What individual or institutional strategies/tools help undergraduates navigate what they perceive as exclusionary spaces? (March 2011)

Volunteer and Community Service Participation Report

This brief summarizes undergraduates’ participation in 1) community service, 2) service learning, and 3) other community-focused activities based on data from the 2010 University of California Undergraduate Experiences Survey (UCUES). (April 2011)

2009 Senior Survey: UCLA Student Interactions

This brief provides a summary of UCLA student interactions from the 2009 Senior Survey. The brief specifically addresses the extent that UCLA provides the opportunity to engage in various types of interactions and frequency of participating in interactions with diverse others. (January 2010)

Technology Use Among Undergraduate Students (2008)

A brief that illustrates technology use, competencies, and concerns related to internet, video, and online networking among incoming first-year students at UCLA based on responses from the 2008 CIRP Freshman Survey. (February 2009)

Undergraduate Students' Experiences

This report summarizes UCLA students’ responses to a series of questions on the 2006 UCUES about various aspects of their undergraduate experience, including how they spent their time, perceptions of skill proficiency and development, cross-cultural interactions, educational aspirations, and satisfaction. The purpose of this report is to compare UCLA findings to the average of student responses at the eight other UC campuses. (April 2007)

Undergraduate Students' Development

This report compares the responses of UCLA students to the 2006 UCUES Student Development module with those of students at seven other UC campuses in order to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience that are unique to UCLA students versus those that represent a larger system-wide trend. addressed various aspects of students’ self-perceptions, experiences, and expectations. The Student Development module provides a more holistic understanding of students in terms of parental involvement, students’ goals and aspirations, self-perceived identities, personal growth, time allocation, obstacles to academic success, and perceptions of campus climate. (April 2007)

Undergraduate Students' Civic Engagement

This report summarizes UCLA students’ responses to the Civic Engagement module of the 2006 UCUES, which included questions about undergraduates’ experiences with student activities, community service, and leadership; utilization of news and information sources; political engagement; and opinions on national issues. The primary purpose of this report is to compare UCLA findings to the average of student responses at the eight other UC campuses. (April 2007)

Summary Tables and Graphs (2009-2016)


Longitudinal Comparison of Graduating Seniors' Experiences (2006-2013)

These graphs compare the trends of students’ satisfaction, sense of belonging, and perspectives on their development, campus life, campus climate and engagement with other students from 2006 to 2013. From the Graduating Senior Survey (Feburary 2014)

How Do Students Interact with Others? (GPSS)

Graduate and Professional Student Demographic and Background Information (GPSS)

How is Time Spent in Work and Extracurricular Activities? (GPSS)

Community and Civic Engagement (UCUES)

Time, Student Development, Academic Engagement, Campus Climate, Satisfaction, and Evaluation of the Educational Experience (UCUES)

Student Development and Campus Climate and Diversity (UCUES)

Student Development and Campus Climate and Diversity


Community and Civic Engagement (UCUES)

Student Development and Campus Climate and Diversity (UCUES)

Time, Student Development, Academic Engagement, Campus Climate, Satisfaction, and Evaluation of the Educational Experience (UCUES)


General Satisfaction with UCLA (GPSS)

How Do Students Interact with Others? (GPSS)

How is Time Spent in Various Activities? (GPSS)

Time Spent in Work and Extracurricular Activities (GPSS)

Time, Student Development, Academic Engagement, Campus Climate, Satisfaction, and Evaluation of the Educational Experience (UCUES)

Community and Civic Engagement (UCUES)

Student Development and Campus Climate and Diversity (UCUES)

2009 and Prior

2009 Data Summary

These bar charts summarize graduating seniors’ satisfaction with their overall UCLA experience, the extent that UCLA experiences have provided opportunities to interact with other UCLA students, patterns and ratings of interaction with diverse others, perceptions of student groups and the educational environment, and views about the campus social climate. From the Graduating Senior Survey. (Winter 2010)

Undergraduate Students' Civic Engagement 2008 (UCUES)

Undergraduate Students' Student Development 2008 (UCUES)

Undergraduate Students' Time, Student Development 2008 (UCUES)

2008 Data Summary

These bar charts summarize interactions among students from diverse backgrounds, student groupings based on demographic characteristics, views about campus social climate, and perceptions of the educational environment at UCLA. From the Graduating Senior Survey. (Winter 2009)


2007 Data Summary

These bar charts summarize demographics, perceptions of campus climate, diversity, student values, and plans for employment. From the Graduating Senior Survey. (Winter 2008)


Undergraduate Students' Common Core 2006 (UCUES)

Undergraduate Students' Civic Engagement 2006 (UCUES)

Undergraduate Students' Student Development 2006 (UCUES)